The Key to Creating Habits That Stick


What This Program is About:


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What You Get

16 Bite-Sized Video Lessons

Life is busy, and that's one of the reasons people struggle with healthy habits. I specifically designed this program with short, bite-sized lessons. Most of these are 2-3 minutes long to make it easy and convenient for you to digest the material.

5 Guided Audio Meditations

These audios provide the "digital discipline" that you crave. These guided routines make it feel as if you were right there -- live -- in one of my qigong classes.

Direct Access to Me (Sifu Anthony)

I'm not a one-way kind of teacher. I love online learning because, unlike DVDs, it's bi-directional. Got a question about something in the program? Just drop me a comment below the video and I'll answer it personally!

Upgrades for Life 

I aspire to always improve my teaching methods. If I discover a new trick for boosting willpower, or if I record a new video or audio on the subject, you'll automatically get this upgrade for free. Cool, right?

Lifetime Access

Implementing healthy new habits isn't easy, and most of us need a helping hand along the way. Lifetime access means that this program will be waiting for you whenever you need some extra help with your habits.

Download or Stream to Any Device 

Sometimes, we want to download online content to our computer, but other times, we just want to stream a lesson on a smartphone or tablet. With this program, you can do both at any time.


Video: How to Eliminate Bad Habits

Adding a new habit is different than subtracting an existing one. This bonus video shows you the big secret to eliminating the nasty habits you already have in your life.


Video: Adapting Qigong to a Seated Posture

Maybe you can't stand up to do the qigong exercises because you're disabled. Or maybe you have an injury or an illness. I wanted this program to be accessible to absolutely everyone, so I added a special video on adapting qigong to a seated posture.


Video: 6 Tips for Getting Back on Track

Everyone struggles. It happens to the best of us, myself included. These tips will help you to get yourself back on track.

A Peek Inside the Program

Want to know exactly what the program looks like on the inside? Then watch this video!


What You'll Learn

  • How to Hack Your Brain to Create Healthier Habits
  • Why Qigong is the Perfect Gateway Habit
  • How to Develop Limitless Willpower
  • Why Tiny Habits are Everything
  • The Real Truth about Habits and Willpower
  • Why Failure Isn't What You Think It Is
  • Understanding Habit Loops
  • Lifting The Sky: One of the Best Qigong Exercises Ever
  • Double Dragons Playing with Pearl: Tai Chi Flow Without All the Effort
  • How to do a 21 Day Habit Challenge
  • How to Eliminate Bad Habits
  • 6 Tips to Get Back on Track
  • How to Adapt Qigong to a Seated Posture



Start Today!

I'm so confident that you're going to love the 2 Minute Qigong course that I'm giving you 30 days, risk-free, to use the program. If it doesnโ€™t exceed your expectations for any reason, simply email me and I'll send you a refund.

"Sifu Anthony is a wonderful teacher because he knows how to communicate, and because he cares so deeply about helping his students."

Dr. Claire Holland, M.D.


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